Thursday, September 2, 2010

Crazy teacher

I always knew my teacher was different. I didn't realize how different til she held the school captive. It all happened when we were eating lunch in the cafeteria. I was talking to two of my friends about my summer vacation when I noticed the food tasted kinda funny. I was eating a cheeseburger. It tasted like medicine a little bit. That's all I could remember. When I came to,the other students and I were all in the gym. We were all piled up on the floor like somebody just threw us in there. There were teachers and students on top of each other. We were all confused.

I stumbled to the door and tried to open it. I couldn't because it was double chained. Each door was double chained from the outside. Everyone started to panic. The principle told everybody to calm down and everything is going to be okay. Then an announcement came over the intercom. It was the monstrous Ms. Thorndike, Home Econ. teacher. She said that she was doing this to get even. She told us that she has had to pay for the destruction and mess in her room. Every time somebody left the milk out she would have to pay for it out of her paychecks. Now today is payment day.

I put my hand in my pocket and felt the inner pocket have something in it. It was my spare phone., I always have it if my regular phone dies out or gets taken.

Then Ms. Thorndike blew toxic gas through the vents. When we came to again everyone was complaining that their electronics were taken. We heard Mrs. Thorndike's voice again. She said
"There is no help for any of you." I felt in my pocket and my cell phone was still there. I went to the gym corner and started dialing. "911, What's your emergency?" I said that we needed help and were being held hostage at my school. After that I gave her my address. She told me that she'd call me back in ten minutes. When they called I told them where Mrs. Thorndike was hiding.

In a few minutes I heard the sound of two gunshots echoing throughout the building. Two more gunshots sounded then I heard a crazy voice screaming "You're going to be in trouble! You'll all pay."

The door was kicked open. Through it came fifteen police officers dragging Ms. Thorndike screaming. "I'll be back" were the last words I heard from her.

I got a $500.00 reward for saving everybody. I used it to buy a new cellphone.

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