Wednesday, June 3, 2009

15 minute ice cream


* 1 large Ziploc bag (double layered freezer bag is best)
* 1 small sandwich Ziploc bag
* 1 tablespoon sugar
* 1/2 cup of cream
* 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
* 6 tablespoons rock salt

* Ice

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) Take large Ziploc bag and fill it halfway with ice and pour the rock salt in too.
2.) mix rock salt and ice together by shaking the bag a little.
3.) Take the small Ziploc bag and pour the cr
eam, vanilla and sugar into it and mix it up.

4.) seal the small Ziploc bag tight and put it into the big bag with the ice and rocksalt then seal that bag.
5.) shake fo
r 15 minutes.
6.) Take the small bag out and look inside it..ICE CREAM!
7.) Add cookie crums or M&Ms (or whatever you want)
8.) Eat It!

I like the 15 minute ice cream it was good.
I didnt know that you could make it l
ike that.
