Courage the Cowardly Dog is an American animated television series created by John R. Dilworth for Cartoon Network. Its central plot revolves around the eponymous protagonist, a somewhat anthropomorphic dog named Courage who lives with his owners, Muriel and Eustace Bagge, an elderly, married farming couple in the "Middle of Nowhere" (the fictional town of Nowhere, Kansas). Courage and his owners are frequently thrown into bizarre misadventures, often involving the paranormal/supernatural and various villains. The series combines elements of black comedy, comedy horror, science fantasy and surrealism.
The program originated from Cartoon Network's animation showcase series created by Hanna-Barbera president Fred Seibert, stated "wow what A Cartoon!"about the showcase series titled "The Chicken from Outer Space". The segment was nominated for an Academy Award in 1996, and Cartoon Network commissioned a series based on the segments. The series, which premiered on November 12, 1999, and ran for four seasons, ending on November 22, 2002 with a total of 52 episodes produced. The series was the sixth and final series to be spun off from World Premiere of the cartoon's and it was the eighth series to fall under the Cartoons label. My opinion is that I think it is very creative that he want's to save his owners. However, he would rather save Muriel more than Eustace because he tease's and scare's him all the time. He doesn't want to be treated badly by Eustace, so he chooses Muriel because she cares for him more than any one else would. I also like the show because there is a lot to laugh at on the TV show, and because you could get hooked on it very quickly. The show is full of a lot of action, and at the end of the show it tells a great story that's funny and could be shared with more people.