Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What Do You Think The Secret Behind The Mona Lisa's Smile Is??????

The Mona Lisa is my favorite picture of Leonardo Da Vinci . I want to know if you can tell me the secret behind the Mona Lisa's smile?
Maybe this can be one of you answer?
  • Maybe she was happy
  • Maybe cause they told her to smile
  • Maybe she was excited that they picked her to pose to for a famous painter
  • Maybe they made her laugh before the took the picture
  • Maybe they were doing something funny and made her laugh
I think the reason she was smiling cause she was excited that a famous painter told her to pose for him for a painting. I think that is the answer because I don't think anybody would been sad if they told them to pose for a famous painter.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Biggie's Dismal Day

As I as walking up the street beside my girlfriend/daughter Roxxy, I saw a squirrel. I looked and looked as the squirrel was eating the nuts off the ground. Then I made signal to Roxxy so my owner, Michael, wouldn't see me. I pulled away from Michael to go after the squirrel. I saw Roxxy right beside me. "Aw man," I cried as the squirrel was laughing at me up in the tree! Why do I even try? I asked myself. Michael runs up to me and says, "DON'T DO THAT!" Roxxy and I walked away mutely like our voices were gone. When we arrived back home I contemplated about what I did as Michael kept on yelling at me. I let Roxxy in the house first because I heard Michael telling mommy what I did,as I walked in everybody was gawking at me like I had committed a crime. I tried to keep it cool and make it seem like it wasn't as bad as Michael made it sound, so I hid behind Roxxy. She jostled me. At this point, I was envious of Roxxy because everybody made me feel dismal.
- D.J.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I.D.K. Kitchen

1st step of getting started:
I'm going to start a restaurant called I.D.K. (I Don't Know) Kitchen. First I will finish high school, then I will keep cooking and get my food taste tested. Everytime I discover a new recipe I will write it in my cookbook.

2nd step of getting started:
1) Go to college to get a business degree.
2) After getting my business degree, I will get a loan for a building to use as the restaurant.
3) I will hire my workers (My family members and maybe some friends).
4) After I hire my workers, I will start shopping for the items and food (at least 20 carts of food) such as pancake mix, milk, chocolate chips, and everything else.
5) Call the health inspectors to come inspect my business.
6) Start the restaurant (I.D.K. Kitchen).

Opening night January 7, 2020 A new year with new customers.
About 20,000 to 30,000 people came to the restaurant. One guy came three times.
The restaurant stayed open from 7am on January 1st to 7am January 2nd. The favorite dish of the night was strawberry pancakes.

I felt excellent about my restaurant that opening night. I hope everything will keep going well. I am planning to go worldwide and become a millionaire. I will donate 50% of my money to the courthouse (to get the elevators fixed) and I will donate money to the school system to clean up schools and get new textbooks and get Satellite TV.
- R.B.