I think that the war with Iraq is a waste of time, money, and is hurting family's all over the world. There is no reason to help a whole country of people who terrorize us and themselves. They do not want out help obviously and they are killing Americans everyday for no reason. A lot of men and women are risking their life but i do not believe it is for a good cause. Nothing ever gets accomplished when our soldiers go over there except for more deaths and chaos. I think the president should call back every soldier and end the war and if they want to attack us we will attack them back and that should cause fewer deaths for Americans. If they actually wanted help it would be different, but they don't.
This blog is written by the students and tutors involved in the Triangle Literacy Council's Juvenile Literacy Center. The opinions expressed in this blog are not necessarily reflective of the opinions of the Triangle Literacy Council.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
" Tattoos are a visual manifestation of each person's approach to life and the journey they wish to take"
- Chris Rainer
Tattoos can show many different things. The tattoos I have seen do not show peoples approach to life or the journey they want to take. It does not make sense to me. For example, if someone wanted to be a lawyer they would not get a courthouse tattooed on them. There are a lot of other forms or tattoos as well.
I think a form of tattoo people get a lot is stuff that they believe in. Examples of this could be quotes, or verses. Many people get bible verses tattooed on them, for example.
Another tattoo that is common is the rest in peace tattoo. People like to get this form of tattoo to show respect for their lost family or friends. People also get this tattoo in memory for them.
Tattoos are in a wide variety, so people sometimes get tattoos of a design they like just because they like the way it looks. Also, people get tattoos of things they like such as sports teams as one example. People also can be addicted to tattoos.
Tattoos can show other things than just peoples approach to life or journey they wish to take. I have never seen any tattoos with those two things being shown. Peoples beliefs, rest in peace, and just designs or things they like are all examples of why i believe that tattoos do not show the things in the statement.
- Chris Rainer
Tattoos can show many different things. The tattoos I have seen do not show peoples approach to life or the journey they want to take. It does not make sense to me. For example, if someone wanted to be a lawyer they would not get a courthouse tattooed on them. There are a lot of other forms or tattoos as well.
I think a form of tattoo people get a lot is stuff that they believe in. Examples of this could be quotes, or verses. Many people get bible verses tattooed on them, for example.
Another tattoo that is common is the rest in peace tattoo. People like to get this form of tattoo to show respect for their lost family or friends. People also get this tattoo in memory for them.
Tattoos are in a wide variety, so people sometimes get tattoos of a design they like just because they like the way it looks. Also, people get tattoos of things they like such as sports teams as one example. People also can be addicted to tattoos.
Tattoos can show other things than just peoples approach to life or journey they wish to take. I have never seen any tattoos with those two things being shown. Peoples beliefs, rest in peace, and just designs or things they like are all examples of why i believe that tattoos do not show the things in the statement.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
"Tattoos are a visual manifestation of each person's approach to life and the journey they wish to take."
Chris Rainer
I do not agree with that quote because people get tattoos for many different reasons. Some people just like an image or it's something to impress others or look like some one they're not. They might tell about where the person is and not where they're going in life. Later, people might change their minds about what the tattoo represents.
For example, Lil Wayne gets tattoos that he's not supposed to because the tattoos support different gangs. He does this because he doesn't know who he is or what he wants to be. He's just putting on a show. All his tattoos tell us is that he's a lost sad person.
Maybe for some people tattoos tell us about who they are but that's not true for all.
"Body of Work." Smithsonian Oct. 2010: 56-63.
Chris Rainer
I do not agree with that quote because people get tattoos for many different reasons. Some people just like an image or it's something to impress others or look like some one they're not. They might tell about where the person is and not where they're going in life. Later, people might change their minds about what the tattoo represents.
For example, Lil Wayne gets tattoos that he's not supposed to because the tattoos support different gangs. He does this because he doesn't know who he is or what he wants to be. He's just putting on a show. All his tattoos tell us is that he's a lost sad person.
Maybe for some people tattoos tell us about who they are but that's not true for all.
"Body of Work." Smithsonian Oct. 2010: 56-63.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Crazy teacher
I always knew my teacher was different. I didn't realize how different til she held the school captive. It all happened when we were eating lunch in the cafeteria. I was talking to two of my friends about my summer vacation when I noticed the food tasted kinda funny. I was eating a cheeseburger. It tasted like medicine a little bit. That's all I could remember. When I came to,the other students and I were all in the gym. We were all piled up on the floor like somebody just threw us in there. There were teachers and students on top of each other. We were all confused.
I stumbled to the door and tried to open it. I couldn't because it was double chained. Each door was double chained from the outside. Everyone started to panic. The principle told everybody to calm down and everything is going to be okay. Then an announcement came over the intercom. It was the monstrous Ms. Thorndike, Home Econ. teacher. She said that she was doing this to get even. She told us that she has had to pay for the destruction and mess in her room. Every time somebody left the milk out she would have to pay for it out of her paychecks. Now today is payment day.
I put my hand in my pocket and felt the inner pocket have something in it. It was my spare phone., I always have it if my regular phone dies out or gets taken.
Then Ms. Thorndike blew toxic gas through the vents. When we came to again everyone was complaining that their electronics were taken. We heard Mrs. Thorndike's voice again. She said
"There is no help for any of you." I felt in my pocket and my cell phone was still there. I went to the gym corner and started dialing. "911, What's your emergency?" I said that we needed help and were being held hostage at my school. After that I gave her my address. She told me that she'd call me back in ten minutes. When they called I told them where Mrs. Thorndike was hiding.
In a few minutes I heard the sound of two gunshots echoing throughout the building. Two more gunshots sounded then I heard a crazy voice screaming "You're going to be in trouble! You'll all pay."
The door was kicked open. Through it came fifteen police officers dragging Ms. Thorndike screaming. "I'll be back" were the last words I heard from her.
I got a $500.00 reward for saving everybody. I used it to buy a new cellphone.
I stumbled to the door and tried to open it. I couldn't because it was double chained. Each door was double chained from the outside. Everyone started to panic. The principle told everybody to calm down and everything is going to be okay. Then an announcement came over the intercom. It was the monstrous Ms. Thorndike, Home Econ. teacher. She said that she was doing this to get even. She told us that she has had to pay for the destruction and mess in her room. Every time somebody left the milk out she would have to pay for it out of her paychecks. Now today is payment day.
I put my hand in my pocket and felt the inner pocket have something in it. It was my spare phone., I always have it if my regular phone dies out or gets taken.
Then Ms. Thorndike blew toxic gas through the vents. When we came to again everyone was complaining that their electronics were taken. We heard Mrs. Thorndike's voice again. She said
"There is no help for any of you." I felt in my pocket and my cell phone was still there. I went to the gym corner and started dialing. "911, What's your emergency?" I said that we needed help and were being held hostage at my school. After that I gave her my address. She told me that she'd call me back in ten minutes. When they called I told them where Mrs. Thorndike was hiding.
In a few minutes I heard the sound of two gunshots echoing throughout the building. Two more gunshots sounded then I heard a crazy voice screaming "You're going to be in trouble! You'll all pay."
The door was kicked open. Through it came fifteen police officers dragging Ms. Thorndike screaming. "I'll be back" were the last words I heard from her.
I got a $500.00 reward for saving everybody. I used it to buy a new cellphone.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Aero TT

I want an Aero TT because it can go up to 400 km/h.I want one because it is very fast it is one of the fastest in the world. I'm also going to drive it everywhere, including the mall. I would get a custum paint job with my initials on the side in black and stitching on the headrest. It also looks like a Lamborghini but it's faster. When I would drive by it would catch everyone's eye. Unfortunately I need $650,000 to buy one so it may take a long time for me to get one. To get one I will be a successful engineer or NFL player.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Born Blue
Born Blue is about a young girl who's mother is on heroin. She is currently living in a rundown foster home and is not getting the care and love she needs. She lives with a boy named Harmon and they become closer than brother and sister. She becomes very upset when she finds out that Harmon is being adopted and she will be forced to stay at her foster home without him.
This book is fun to read. Most of the books i try to read i can never seem to stay focused to be able to finish but with this one i can barely put it down. I never know what to expect when reading this book book. Once you think everything is calming down another thing pops up. This book is very interesting!
This book is fun to read. Most of the books i try to read i can never seem to stay focused to be able to finish but with this one i can barely put it down. I never know what to expect when reading this book book. Once you think everything is calming down another thing pops up. This book is very interesting!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
I'm reading this book by Walter Dean Myers. It's a great book. The main character, Slam is a boy from the hood that is nice in basketball. He gets to go to a better high school than the people on his block because he's really good at ball. But its kind of hard for him to fit in with his coach and some of his team mates and do his school work. This girl he really likes on his mind 24/7. He thinks is best friend sells drugs but not for sure. His grandma is sick and she goes to the hospital. With a lot on his mind, how does he focus?
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Beowulf Limerick
Beowulf Limerick
A warrior named Beowulf slew Grendel,
Who'd terrorized and didn't respect all;
The king of the Danes
Had been in such pains,
He was happy to see it end all.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Maggots reveal the time of dead!
I was reading this book called Gut Eating Bugs by Danielle Denega and how they help tell time of a dead body and i saw this case of a family that died in a cabin. By reading the story i saw that bugs are helpful not just yucky.
A family was found dead in a cabin they used bugs to see how long they were dead
the stepfather said they were dead for two weeks but the forensic scientist knew they were dead for longer than two weeks. He looked too see if there we any maggots but he didn't find any maggots. He realized it was to cold for the maggots to be on their skin so he looked in their hair, the maggots were visible to the naked eye.
If the Perry's were dead longer than two weeks the scientist would see open cacoons from where the flies came out of. But he didn't see any cacoons so he started looking more closely and fund cacoons on their hair.
The jury at the stepfhathers trial fund that he killed the perry's for insurance money. I thought this story was really good so i just wanted to share it.
A family was found dead in a cabin they used bugs to see how long they were dead
the stepfather said they were dead for two weeks but the forensic scientist knew they were dead for longer than two weeks. He looked too see if there we any maggots but he didn't find any maggots. He realized it was to cold for the maggots to be on their skin so he looked in their hair, the maggots were visible to the naked eye.
If the Perry's were dead longer than two weeks the scientist would see open cacoons from where the flies came out of. But he didn't see any cacoons so he started looking more closely and fund cacoons on their hair.
The jury at the stepfhathers trial fund that he killed the perry's for insurance money. I thought this story was really good so i just wanted to share it.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
My Trip to Georgia
Last week, I went to Loganville, Georgia with my grandmother for my cousin's high school graduation. It took us seven hours to drive there, including the four stops we made. The trip wasn't so bad. It was actually pretty fun. I couldn't stop thinking about getting out of North Carolina and into Georgia. I was super excited to see my family because I hadn't seen them in six months.
We finally got to Loganville and I was eager to get out of the car to see my family. My aunt was in the garage with my younger cousin. I visited with them for a little bit and then my older cousin, who had been at graduation rehearsal, and my uncle, who had been at work, came home and we all sat around in the garage and talked for awhile. The next day, my cousin and I went to the mall to get her shoes to wear for her graduation. We got back to the house around 2:00 pm and everybody was getting ready for the graduation dinner. At 4:00 pm we left the house and we went to this restaurant, where we were going to be eating on the roof. It was the most amazing view. We ate dinner and had cake. Around 6:00 pm, everybody left the restaurant to go home and change for the graduation. We got to the arena around 8:00 pm and it was crowded. I watched my cousin walk across the stage and I was ecstatic when she grabbed her diploma. After her graduation, I saw K and gave her a hug and told her congratulations. Then, everyone left and went home. The last day we were there, my uncle barbecued and we had a great lunch. Around 4:00 pm, my grandmother and I left to come back to North Carolina.
Overall, the trip was fun and relaxing. Seeing my cousin walk across the stage and get her diploma really made me want to go back to school. The graduation ceremony was very exciting. I loved seeing my family and spending time with them. I got to know my aunt better, which I enjoyed very much. I can't wait to see them again, so we can make more memories and have a blast like we did this time.
We finally got to Loganville and I was eager to get out of the car to see my family. My aunt was in the garage with my younger cousin. I visited with them for a little bit and then my older cousin, who had been at graduation rehearsal, and my uncle, who had been at work, came home and we all sat around in the garage and talked for awhile. The next day, my cousin and I went to the mall to get her shoes to wear for her graduation. We got back to the house around 2:00 pm and everybody was getting ready for the graduation dinner. At 4:00 pm we left the house and we went to this restaurant, where we were going to be eating on the roof. It was the most amazing view. We ate dinner and had cake. Around 6:00 pm, everybody left the restaurant to go home and change for the graduation. We got to the arena around 8:00 pm and it was crowded. I watched my cousin walk across the stage and I was ecstatic when she grabbed her diploma. After her graduation, I saw K and gave her a hug and told her congratulations. Then, everyone left and went home. The last day we were there, my uncle barbecued and we had a great lunch. Around 4:00 pm, my grandmother and I left to come back to North Carolina.
Overall, the trip was fun and relaxing. Seeing my cousin walk across the stage and get her diploma really made me want to go back to school. The graduation ceremony was very exciting. I loved seeing my family and spending time with them. I got to know my aunt better, which I enjoyed very much. I can't wait to see them again, so we can make more memories and have a blast like we did this time.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
The Life Of Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo was born Leonardo da Vinci on April 15, 1452 in Anchiano,Italy. He is one of the most well known people in that time and had many talents. Leonardo was an artist, engineer, scientist, musician, and a creator. His first Sculpture was an Equine which featured his father.He also created two highly incredibly paintings which are Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Leonardo helped out with the economy by designing buildings and churches, but for some strange reason he would always write backwards.Before his death he had completed the human studies of the body which are the bones,organs, and muscles.Tragicly his life had ended in 1519.
- S.S.
Leonardo was born Leonardo da Vinci on April 15, 1452 in Anchiano,Italy. He is one of the most well known people in that time and had many talents. Leonardo was an artist, engineer, scientist, musician, and a creator. His first Sculpture was an Equine which featured his father.He also created two highly incredibly paintings which are Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Leonardo helped out with the economy by designing buildings and churches, but for some strange reason he would always write backwards.Before his death he had completed the human studies of the body which are the bones,organs, and muscles.Tragicly his life had ended in 1519.
- S.S.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
me and a dozen of my cousins
had a snowball fight
on top of my house with Lawson
when Big Foot came from my right
so we quickly threw snow balls at him
but it wasn't Big Foot it was my uncle
wearing a big coat on him
so my uncle chased us with his moncle
so we went inside and drank some hot coco and played ps3.
defintion of moncle-is a cane
- DC
had a snowball fight
on top of my house with Lawson
when Big Foot came from my right
so we quickly threw snow balls at him
but it wasn't Big Foot it was my uncle
wearing a big coat on him
so my uncle chased us with his moncle
so we went inside and drank some hot coco and played ps3.
defintion of moncle-is a cane
- DC
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
What Do You Think The Secret Behind The Mona Lisa's Smile Is??????
The Mona Lisa is my favorite picture of Leonardo Da Vinci . I want to know if you can tell me the secret behind the Mona Lisa's smile?
Maybe this can be one of you answer?
Maybe this can be one of you answer?
- Maybe she was happy
- Maybe cause they told her to smile
- Maybe she was excited that they picked her to pose to for a famous painter
- Maybe they made her laugh before the took the picture
- Maybe they were doing something funny and made her laugh
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Biggie's Dismal Day
As I as walking up the street beside my girlfriend/daughter Roxxy, I saw a squirrel. I looked and looked as the squirrel was eating the nuts off the ground. Then I made signal to Roxxy so my owner, Michael, wouldn't see me. I pulled away from Michael to go after the squirrel. I saw Roxxy right beside me. "Aw man," I cried as the squirrel was laughing at me up in the tree! Why do I even try? I asked myself. Michael runs up to me and says, "DON'T DO THAT!" Roxxy and I walked away mutely like our voices were gone. When we arrived back home I contemplated about what I did as Michael kept on yelling at me. I let Roxxy in the house first because I heard Michael telling mommy what I did,as I walked in everybody was gawking at me like I had committed a crime. I tried to keep it cool and make it seem like it wasn't as bad as Michael made it sound, so I hid behind Roxxy. She jostled me. At this point, I was envious of Roxxy because everybody made me feel dismal.
- D.J.
- D.J.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
I.D.K. Kitchen
1st step of getting started:
I'm going to start a restaurant called I.D.K. (I Don't Know) Kitchen. First I will finish high school, then I will keep cooking and get my food taste tested. Everytime I discover a new recipe I will write it in my cookbook.
2nd step of getting started:
1) Go to college to get a business degree.
2) After getting my business degree, I will get a loan for a building to use as the restaurant.
3) I will hire my workers (My family members and maybe some friends).
4) After I hire my workers, I will start shopping for the items and food (at least 20 carts of food) such as pancake mix, milk, chocolate chips, and everything else.
5) Call the health inspectors to come inspect my business.
6) Start the restaurant (I.D.K. Kitchen).
The restaurant stayed open from 7am on January 1st to 7am January 2nd. The favorite dish of the night was strawberry pancakes.
I felt excellent about my restaurant that opening night. I hope everything will keep going well. I am planning to go worldwide and become a millionaire. I will donate 50% of my money to the courthouse (to get the elevators fixed) and I will donate money to the school system to clean up schools and get new textbooks and get Satellite TV.
- R.B.
I'm going to start a restaurant called I.D.K. (I Don't Know) Kitchen. First I will finish high school, then I will keep cooking and get my food taste tested. Everytime I discover a new recipe I will write it in my cookbook.
2nd step of getting started:
1) Go to college to get a business degree.
2) After getting my business degree, I will get a loan for a building to use as the restaurant.
3) I will hire my workers (My family members and maybe some friends).
4) After I hire my workers, I will start shopping for the items and food (at least 20 carts of food) such as pancake mix, milk, chocolate chips, and everything else.
5) Call the health inspectors to come inspect my business.
6) Start the restaurant (I.D.K. Kitchen).
Opening night January 7, 2020 A new year with new customers.
About 20,000 to 30,000 people came to the restaurant. One guy came three times.The restaurant stayed open from 7am on January 1st to 7am January 2nd. The favorite dish of the night was strawberry pancakes.
I felt excellent about my restaurant that opening night. I hope everything will keep going well. I am planning to go worldwide and become a millionaire. I will donate 50% of my money to the courthouse (to get the elevators fixed) and I will donate money to the school system to clean up schools and get new textbooks and get Satellite TV.
- R.B.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
ORR'job latter in life
I'm looking for a job that its about fixing cars because i know a lot about that kind off stuff because I've worked on them before. i want to have my own custom garage and see how it goes; i know it's going to be good working for my self, I'll be making good money and I'm not going to worry about getting fired because I'm going to work for myself and i might even have my son working with me, I'd show him around so i don't worry about him getting in trouble in the streets like i was. This is what i would like to do later on in life.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
life on the moon
If you could go back in time and change the future, but only had five minutes, where would you go?
Before people land on the moon i would take a plant so they could find life on the moon.
I would take a rocket ship with me from the future to get a better landing or get faster to the moon other than using the old rocket ships.
I will take a tree from the rain forest because they could be much more stronger than any other tree.
I will nail the tree to the ground so it could stay on the moon floor because the gravity could make it float a way.
I will leave an iphone so they could develop a new phone on the past and we could have better ones on the future.
and leave a flag that will say I WUZ HERE =) lol....
Before people land on the moon i would take a plant so they could find life on the moon.
I would take a rocket ship with me from the future to get a better landing or get faster to the moon other than using the old rocket ships.
I will take a tree from the rain forest because they could be much more stronger than any other tree.
I will nail the tree to the ground so it could stay on the moon floor because the gravity could make it float a way.
I will leave an iphone so they could develop a new phone on the past and we could have better ones on the future.
and leave a flag that will say I WUZ HERE =) lol....
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The Story Of Dwyane Wade
Dwyane Wade was born January 17th, 1982 in Chicago Illinois.He grew up with three older sisters named Tragil,Deana and Keisha.He also was raised by his three sisters and mom. As he grew older,he eventually moved in with his dad. His freshman year of high school he met a girl named Siohvaughn Funches. Wade and Siohvaughn started dating right when they laid eyes on each other. They remained a couple throughout high school.

Wade only struggled with a few things in college but his main struggle was meeting the academic requirements in order to play basketball. He was one point short from the college that he wanted to go to.Wade`s sisters helped him decide on which college to attend which was Marquette.Meanwhile, while dealing with one, he had another problem. Wade had been told that he was going to be a father the summer that they were engaged.
During Wade`s sophomore year people noticed his skills.By the time he entered his senior year he wanted to go pro. He was drafted by the Miami Heat and has been playing with them still today.

Wade only struggled with a few things in college but his main struggle was meeting the academic requirements in order to play basketball. He was one point short from the college that he wanted to go to.Wade`s sisters helped him decide on which college to attend which was Marquette.Meanwhile, while dealing with one, he had another problem. Wade had been told that he was going to be a father the summer that they were engaged.
During Wade`s sophomore year people noticed his skills.By the time he entered his senior year he wanted to go pro. He was drafted by the Miami Heat and has been playing with them still today.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Monster by Walter Dean Myers
Steven Harmon was arrested for a robbery and murder. He was believed to be the look out for two other gentlemen. King and Bobo went into the drugstore and committed the crime. Steven ended up being found not guilty.
Steven wrote in a journal while he was in jail. Steven wrote about things he saw and heard in jail. For example, other prisoners told Steven stories about life in jail, specifically bad stories about prisoners getting hurt. Steven also wrote about the jury and how they looked at him as some sort of monster.
Throughout the story Steven felt sad and worried. Steven was also scared because he thought he was going to spend the rest of his life in jail. I really enjoyed this story because it showed Steven's true emotions. I learned about his life in and out of jail.
Steven wrote in a journal while he was in jail. Steven wrote about things he saw and heard in jail. For example, other prisoners told Steven stories about life in jail, specifically bad stories about prisoners getting hurt. Steven also wrote about the jury and how they looked at him as some sort of monster.
Throughout the story Steven felt sad and worried. Steven was also scared because he thought he was going to spend the rest of his life in jail. I really enjoyed this story because it showed Steven's true emotions. I learned about his life in and out of jail.
Monday, February 8, 2010
My Frantic Obession With Charlie & The Chocolate
The first time I saw the movie I was very excited and wanted to watch it some more. I think that was the best movie I have ever watched. It had candy and chocolate and those are my two favorite things. I also like it because of the people in it, the Oompa Loompas, and the funny songs they sang. One reason I like Oompa Loompas is because they are like veterinarians to the children instead of animals. When I found out there was another Wonka movie I freaked. Where is it? I want that movie now! My friends and I went to the movies and waded through the crowds just to get in. Then I decided that I had to get it on dvd.
On Christmas morning, I got the dvd and more. I jostled out of my room that morning just to see what i got for my Willy Wonka obsession.I got the lip gloss, a pillow, a cd, a shirt, and pajamas, and I still want more.
I watched the movie so many times my mom said to me,"stop or your brain is going to boil."
On Christmas morning, I got the dvd and more. I jostled out of my room that morning just to see what i got for my Willy Wonka obsession.I got the lip gloss, a pillow, a cd, a shirt, and pajamas, and I still want more.
I watched the movie so many times my mom said to me,"stop or your brain is going to boil."
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The Outsiders
I got The Outsiders at the JLC Program. It looked interesting so I started reading it over the Christmas break. I was at home bored so I picked it up and started reading. I only took me one day.
The Outsiders is about two gangs of the boys. They are called the greasers and the socs. They are two rival gangs. The difference between them is the socs are rich, snotty kids and the greasers are poor and sweet.
One of my favorite characters is Pony Boy. He is a teenage boy with long black hair and is member of the greasers. He is shy,sweet and one of the youngest of the members. Pony Boy had to run away with his friend Johny because Johny killed a member of the socs. I like that Pony Boy is shy but sweet at the same time. He does not talk a lot, but when he does he makes a lot of sense.
The book reminds me of some people in my life, and that is why I enjoyed reading it. I would recommend this book to anybody that likes to read. The story seems like it could happen in real life.
- SH
The Outsiders is about two gangs of the boys. They are called the greasers and the socs. They are two rival gangs. The difference between them is the socs are rich, snotty kids and the greasers are poor and sweet.
One of my favorite characters is Pony Boy. He is a teenage boy with long black hair and is member of the greasers. He is shy,sweet and one of the youngest of the members. Pony Boy had to run away with his friend Johny because Johny killed a member of the socs. I like that Pony Boy is shy but sweet at the same time. He does not talk a lot, but when he does he makes a lot of sense.
The book reminds me of some people in my life, and that is why I enjoyed reading it. I would recommend this book to anybody that likes to read. The story seems like it could happen in real life.
- SH
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The laws of president K
If i was the president the first thing i would do is...
1. I would start school at 11:30. Kids are more awake because its not early and kids would get more sleep.
2. All the teens can go to the airport for free.Kids can see the world if it's cheaper.
3.You can get a job at age of 15 instead of 16. It would teach kids a life lesson.
4. I think kids should be home schooled.It would save gas and it would take away the pollution.
I think these laws are important because they teach kids to be grown ups and save the environment.
1. I would start school at 11:30. Kids are more awake because its not early and kids would get more sleep.
2. All the teens can go to the airport for free.Kids can see the world if it's cheaper.
3.You can get a job at age of 15 instead of 16. It would teach kids a life lesson.
4. I think kids should be home schooled.It would save gas and it would take away the pollution.
I think these laws are important because they teach kids to be grown ups and save the environment.
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